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How not to bug an Aspie

Writer: AdminAdmin

Your probably wondering whet the hell an "Aspie is. "Did she just make that up?" No, I didn't. "Aspie" is a cute nickname for Asperger syndrome or someone with. What's Asperger's anyway? "Someone who's an ass?" No dillweed. You're the ass. I'll explain why in a bit. Aspergers is a more functional form of Autism. Autism you've heard of/ Everyone these days knows someone or knows someone who knows someone who has it. It's hard to explain in words, partly because it affects people so differently. I know a guy who's Autistic, who will attack you over a piece of pizza. there are people with Aspergers or Autism who are complete geniuses. There is nothing "wrong" with us. Our brains are just wired differently. This makes it difficult for us socially but it's not a disease. You can't simply increase our meds. There are no meds for it. It doesn't work that way.

We have a hard time working in our environment often. Gateway is a medical treatment facility, and I believe this form of place should be a decent environment for people with such disabilities and anxiety I was recently told that someone can't help with the problem unless the knew there was one. This is true. My bad. Sometimes we Aspies are simply to shy to tell you that your bugging us. By bug, I don't mean annoy. I mean to give serious anxiety to. This is a real problem, and I personally think life would be easier if we/I learned three magic words. Not "I love you." but "You're bugging me." So here you go: The things you do that you don't realize are hurting us.

#1. Loud noises and chaotic environments.

We're a little like Spock in the way that everything has to be "logical." Yelling, fighting, messes, they can all get to us quite a bit. We can go into sensory overload. If there is just too much going on. Even if a fight is playful, it can still be to much, and yelling is never good.

#2. Crowds.

Almost nothing will cause some Aspies to "freak out" faster then to be in a too room. Please don't expect us to come to your rave. It's not our scene. It feels a lot like claustrophobia. Actually a lot of people without Aspies dislike crowds, so we aren't really alone in this.

#3. Loud music.

This is more a personal one for me. Every time some jerk blasts his music through the hall I have to go and hide. Knock it off! Not everyone wants to hear your music, especially when it's about some big breasted woman you want to "fuck" or some black guy you want to "fuck up." Buy some headphones. They only cost a dollar. On any given day you'll see me with earplugs around my neck like a necklace.If I can wear earplugs every day you can stop being a jerk and find some headphones.

#4. Changes in routine.

We are creatures of habit. Sudden changes in schedule or routine make us uncomfortable. If you sit in our usual seat, it'll bug us but mostly we'll just be an adult about it and sit somewhere else. If you give us pancakes every Friday, guess what we will want next Friday? That's not weird though. We ALL want pancakes!

#5. Telling us we are wrong.

This is not your fault. Sometimes we are are wrong. Sometimes you need to tell someone that. Just be prepared for an argument. We'll argue a million ways 'till sundown. Sometimes this leads to a great debate, sometimes not. It's not you, it's us.

#6. Telling us we are weird.

Aspies tend to be socially awkward. Please don't call us freaks. Thank you.

#7. Telling us to shut up.

We're a very passionate group. This is good but sometimes leads to us rambling on the same topic forever. Whether politics or anime we can go on and on, and sometimes not notice we're even talking or for how long. Please just gently tell us to change the channel or you could buck up. You get annoying too.

#8. Personal space violations.

An Aspie is probably not someone you want to sneak up behind and say "Boo." to. We have large personal space bubbles and don't really like strangers. I know some of you like to hug everyone you see but you can make people uncomfortable this way.

Please try and be more careful, and some of you try not to be such a dillweed. How can you tell when you're bothering someone? Itching, sweating and sometimes even panic attacks and screaming are all fine signs that your bugging us. To sum it up: Just stop!


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